Adam Israel

Adam Israel

An economy of words.


1-Minute Read

I feel like I’ve been at a near standstill the last four days. With one zero day among them, I’ve barely scratched a thousand words among them. To make up for the shortfall, I need to write roughly 2,400 words/day though the rest of the month in order to hit the Nano goal of 50k. I’ve hit that number once this month.

It’s going to be a nail biter.

Project: Black Mirror

New words written: 600

Reason for stopping: Falling asleep at the wheel

It hasn’t all been wasted time. I’ve talked about how my pacing has been a problem. I’ve been stopping to make notes about missing scenes, characters, and plot arcs that I’ll need to work on post-Nano (or if I run out of story to write during). I’ve also been filling out character sheets as I go. I’ll need to do more of this as I reverse outline in December, making sure I have consistent details on everyone, if they’re a point of view character, and enough background to know who they really are.

I’m not going to throw in the towel, but I sure wouldn’t mind a day or two of really good output to give me a little buffer, ya know?

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This website is the digital home of software engineer, author, and genealogist Adam Israel.