Adam Israel

Adam Israel

An economy of words.


2-Minute Read

I should have known I was in for a rough day when I woke up to rain. Not that rain is unusual, but I’d never seen it rain in Santa Monica before. It was a nice rain, though, the kind that you don’t mind walking to work in. After a weekend spent riding buses and enjoying the company of good friends (not that I’m complaining), I found myself in a deficit of spoons, though. If I were practical, I would have come back to the hotel right after work and gone straight to bed. Instead, I went for tea…


1-Minute Read

It’s a good feeling to put the word END after the last paragraph of a manuscript. This story was born week five of Clarion but I couldn’t make it work then. A little bit of time away and with four days of sporadic effort, it’s a story. Rough around the edges like any first draft but I expect those will be caught when I sent it to beta readers later this week. Shitty first draft or not, I’m pleased with how it’s turned out so far.

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This website is the digital home of software engineer, author, and genealogist Adam Israel.